An examination of errors in Literature accounting the history of British physical education and sport 인문,사회과학편 : 영국(英國) 체육사(體育史) 기술(記述) 내용의 오류 고찰
46(5) 1-17, 2007
An examination of errors in Literature accounting the history of British physical education and sport 인문,사회과학편 : 영국(英國) 체육사(體育史) 기술(記述) 내용의 오류 고찰
This research aims to highlight the inaccuracies, examines closely the content of the said literature published in Korea on history of physical education and sport, specifically on the modern history of British sport and provides materials with which corrections can be made. The first type of common error was the inaccuracies in names of notable figures such as 'In De Betou' and the sports categories such as 'Real Tennis'. The second kind was inaccuracies in the naming of sports related organizations such as the MCC and inaccurate geographic locations. Thirdly, there were inaccurate historical interpretations of the social background in which the development of British sports took place. In regard to this point, there was heavy emphasis on the works of Thomas Arnold. Finally, there was an inaccurate account of history behind ideologies in British physical education. These inaccuracies appeared to stem from the fact that numerous writers wrote summaries with references from a single author and in particular, lifted passages from Japanese literature on the subject without proper consideration.
Key Words
British history of sport, development of British sports
A study on sport for all in the period of us military government 인문,사회과학편 : 미 군정기 사회체육에 관한 연구
김정JeongKim , 김종희ChongHeeKim
46(5) 19-30, 2007
A study on sport for all in the period of us military government 인문,사회과학편 : 미 군정기 사회체육에 관한 연구
김정JeongKim , 김종희ChongHeeKim
This study attempted to investigate militaristic physical education begun as part of the policy of US military government period and democratic physical education. Based on this, it attempted to investigate the formation and development of Korean democratic physical education at that time and the development of democratic physical education into sport for all. Korean physical education took a character of modern physical education as national physical education and became the basic ideology in attaining the purpose of whole-man education. If its significance and outcome are objectified in light of the meaning and limit of the Korean society, it would be possible to provide for the substantive blueprint that projects the future of Korean physical education on its basis and contain the desirable sports ideology and the vision of sports life abundantly.
Key Words
decisive factor of sport-outfit, purchase-satisfaction, involvement, mediated effection
The historical processing of popularization and professionalism on American collegiate football 인문,사회과학편 : 미국 대학풋볼의 대중화와 상업화과정
46(5) 31-44, 2007
The historical processing of popularization and professionalism on American collegiate football 인문,사회과학편 : 미국 대학풋볼의 대중화와 상업화과정
Intercollegiate sports, especially football, is now the pillar of sport in United States. However, it had been taken not so high way to success. In the early period, intercollegiate sports and conception of education were pitted against each other. Low educational level of college athletes always has been a serious social issue. Nevertheless, during the 150 years history, they never give up to develop intercollegiate sports since its beginning. Then, what is the keys of success? Most of all, it could be said that college athletes do not fear to play their games from any uncertain social judgement, people love to watch their games. From the time of the earliest competition in 1852, commercialization and professionalism both motivated and characterized the contests. However, there were also two main factors to help developing collegiate football. They were NCAA, the national organization of intercollegiate sports, and media, such as radio and TV. The purposes of this study are first, to find how to success developing football from disclosing roles of NCAA and television, second, to find some wisdoms of a new paradigm to developing intercollegiate sports in Korea.
Key Words
collegiate football, American sport, NCAA
A study on Nam Seung Ryong’s Life and athletic activities 인문,사회과학편 : 남승룡의 생애와 체육활동에 관한 연구
손환HwanSon , 이상우SangWooLee
46(5) 45-53, 2007
A study on Nam Seung Ryong’s Life and athletic activities 인문,사회과학편 : 남승룡의 생애와 체육활동에 관한 연구
손환HwanSon , 이상우SangWooLee
This study is aimed to research what influences Nam Seung Ryong had made to Korean Sports Field (Field and Track Sports) based on the life of Nam Seung Ryong, the bronze medalist of the 11th Olympic in Berlin in 1936 and his athletic activities as a player and as a leader as well using papers, magazines, books, interview data, school records and etc as main data. This study is concluded in: Nam Seung Ryong had won in various domestic and overseas athletic meets and been ranked on the 3rd position in the 11th Olympic in Berlin in 1936, so that he had given the Japanese-colonized Korean nation the ultimate pride and hope through marathon; enhanced Korean nation’s national spirit; and made the Korean’s stature known worldwide. In addition, since he returned back from studying abroad in Japan, he had contributed to bringing up younger generation as a director of Korea Athletic Federation and a professor, Physical Education Department, Jeonnam University. Thanks to such contribution, he won Medal of Cultural Meritorious Service in 1962 and National Peony Medal in 1970. He can be defined as a person who has largely contributed to growth of Korean marathon.
Key Words
Life of Nam Neung Ryong’s, athletic activities of player, athletic activities of Leader
A investigation on "Sippalki(十八技)" the name of official martial art of the Late Chosun Dynasty 인문,사회과학편 : 조선후기 공식무예의 명칭 "십팔기(十八技)"에 대한 고찰
46(5) 55-65, 2007
A investigation on "Sippalki(十八技)" the name of official martial art of the Late Chosun Dynasty 인문,사회과학편 : 조선후기 공식무예의 명칭 "십팔기(十八技)"에 대한 고찰
As the result of ceaseless efforts to establish martial arts for national defense, Joseon Dynasty could have its own system of martial arts by the eighteenth century. It can be called as the 'Official martial arts of the late Chosun Dynasty' because it was made at the national level and used to train and test it's soldiers. So it is natural if you think it should have an specific name. So the purpose of this study is to make it clear what the name was by searching examples in various records both official and nonofficial. In result, we could know that the official name was 'Sippalki(十八技)' and China, Korea and Japan had a common tradition that arranged martial arts in 18 ways as done in 'Shbbnwy(十八般武藝)' or 'WyShbfan(武藝十八番)'.
Key Words
Sippalki, official martial art, Chosun Dynasty, Shibabanwuyi, WuyiShibafan
Comparison with sword dance forms and aesthetics between south korea and north korea 인문,사회과학편 : 남·북한 검무의 형태와 미적가치 비교
46(5) 67-74, 2007
Comparison with sword dance forms and aesthetics between south korea and north korea 인문,사회과학편 : 남·북한 검무의 형태와 미적가치 비교
It can be said, both of South and North Korea now estimate that the origin of geom-mu is around the 4th century as shown in the wall painting of ancient Koguryo tomb and recognize that on record it is the martial dance with a sword of Shilla in the 7th century. South and North Korean geom-mu have similarity in traditional costume, properties, and imagery, and have difference in expressive technique of moving action, dance movement, and the intrinsic purpose of dance motion and ideology.
Key Words
geom-mu, Shilla, Koguryo tomb, traditional dance ration, virile movements
Athletes migration and change of Korean professional sport as a global-Local site 인문,사회과학편 : 선수들의 국제적 이동과 Global-Local 지점으로서 한국 프로스포츠의 변화
46(5) 75-90, 2007
Athletes migration and change of Korean professional sport as a global-Local site 인문,사회과학편 : 선수들의 국제적 이동과 Global-Local 지점으로서 한국 프로스포츠의 변화
This study focuses on glocalization of Korean Professional Sport League in terms of athlete migration in and outbound from their birth. For this purpose it is addressed that globalizaiton of professional sports as expansion of global capital, dynamics of global leagues and nations' response. To examine the glocalization process of Korean Professional Sports League, it included the structural change, background, and history of athlete migration in and outside the nation, and the response of Korean Baseball, Basketball, and Football League. The Leagues have emitted the talented athletes in circumstances of global capitalism of sports, change of international politics, and enlargement of global major leagues. The Korean Professional Leagues also have introduced foreign athletes to boom up the leagues. With this flow the Korean Professional League respectively has been witnessing not only enhancement of techniques and spectacles of the games but also the change of regulation, confusion of position in the team, and naturalization of foreign athletes, hal-Koreans, and overseas Koreans.
Key Words
global Local site, Korean professional League, glocalization, athlete migration
A study on the modernization and characteristic changes of taekwondo 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도의 근대스포츠화 과정과 특성변화에 관한 고찰
46(5) 91-103, 2007
A study on the modernization and characteristic changes of taekwondo 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도의 근대스포츠화 과정과 특성변화에 관한 고찰
The purpose of this study was to analyze modernization and characteristic changes of Taekwondo with the Theory of Adelman to improve weak point of Taekwondo and provide theoretical basic data of improvement strategy. To accomplish this purpose, Taekwondo was analyzed and divided chronologically by the characteristics of premordern and mordern ideal sporting types emphasized by Adelman. The results were as follows: First, 'Subak' and 'Takkyeon', that is believed as predecessor of Taekwondo did not appeal any modern characteristics of sport, and Taekwondo revealed its modern characteristics from the end of Japan's Colonial period. Second, Taekwondo has evolved as modern sport through 'the quickening period(1945-1962)', 'the fixing period(1962-1972), 'the activating period(1973-1986)', and 'the globalization period(1987-present). Through these results, I could confirm the superiority and Identity of Taekwondo.
Key Words
Adelman, modernization, Taekwondo
Sport ethics: foundation and guidelines 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 윤리의 정초와 실천과제
김동규DongKyuKim , 구강본KangBonGoo
46(5) 105-117, 2007
Sport ethics: foundation and guidelines 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 윤리의 정초와 실천과제
김동규DongKyuKim , 구강본KangBonGoo
Even though the term ‘sport ethics’ has been frequently used in the field the origin and background, and the concept of the term has not been described appropriately. Indeed, not many researchers and specialists have interest in, and are dealing with ethical issues and problems in sports while sport science is being developed and systematized. Sport does not just mirror social norms and values because it has its own particularities distinguishable from other practices in society. Therefore, discussion in this study mainly focuses on defining a tolerant moral criterion that would be applied to sport ethical concerns such as biased officials, drug abuse, bribery scandal, harassment, and discrimination, and finding a remedy for unique problems in sport environment. Finally, four practical tasks are suggested to put into action for constructing the ideal concepts of sport ethics.
Key Words
sport, sport ethics, ethics of virtue, green ethics
The study on the amendment of Laws and policy for improving inter-Korea’s exchanges and cooperation in sport 인문,사회과학편 : 남북스포츠교류협력의 정책방향과 법제도 개선 방안
김범식BeomSigKim , 김정수JeongSooKim
46(5) 119-129, 2007
The study on the amendment of Laws and policy for improving inter-Korea’s exchanges and cooperation in sport 인문,사회과학편 : 남북스포츠교류협력의 정책방향과 법제도 개선 방안
김범식BeomSigKim , 김정수JeongSooKim
This paper attempted to analyze the laws and regulations that prevent seamless development of South and North Korea’s sport exchanges and cooperation and to offer possible amendment of laws that helps to promote inter-Korea’s sport projects. Firstly, a number of contradictory accounts found in the laws and regulations must be revised in order to realize smooth progress of the inter-Korea’s sport exchanges and cooperation. Secondly, the current legal system and processes that limit the inter-Korea’s relations need to be revamped in favor of abolition of a permission to visit North Korea, of flexible post-visiting declaration, of recognition of frequent-visit agents and of practical guidance on cooperative projects. Thirdly, it should be urgently required to introduce a personal security instrument, to secure funds for the cooperative projects and to establish cooperative organizations. Fourthly, It should be necessary to implement a clause upon the sport cooperation programs independent of other laws and regulations such as those of political, military and economic cooperative projects and other socio-cultural exchange schemes between the two Koreas. Lastly, it should be needed to execute a special clause upon the sport exchanges and cooperation that allows the agents in the programs to make contact with North Korean citizens, to visit North Korea,,to circulate sport related capital throughout the Korean Peninsula and to launch inter-Korea's sport related cooperation projects without strict control by the authority.
Key Words
inter-Korea’s exchanges and cooperation, the act on South and North Korea’s exchanges and cooperation, inter-Korea’s sport cooperation policy
PyeongChang, blssing or disaster?: A critical discourse analysis of the bidding process coverage in newspapers for the 2010/2014 winter olympic in PyeongChang 인문,사회과학편 : 평창의 축복인가 재앙인가?: 평창동계올림픽 유치과정보도의 비판적 담론 분석
46(5) 131-147, 2007
PyeongChang, blssing or disaster?: A critical discourse analysis of the bidding process coverage in newspapers for the 2010/2014 winter olympic in PyeongChang 인문,사회과학편 : 평창의 축복인가 재앙인가?: 평창동계올림픽 유치과정보도의 비판적 담론 분석
With research question whether journals played their own roles to furnish various information on the bid of Winter Olympic in Pyeonchang, this article attempted to analyze how journals produced discourse about the bidding process of that event. For achieving this purpose, I analyzed 1,828 articles in major newspapers released during from 2002 to 2007, a period dealing with the bidding process in Korea. The results of this study showed that dominant discourse as a ‘support to bid’ was constructed with various contents saying Gangwon Province(GP) would re-survive from a economic depression by hosting 2010/2014 Winter Olympic. Moreover, the meaning and value to host that event was to realize the long-cherished desire of dwellers in GP and to increase in national pride of Koreans. In contrast to this discourse, marginalized discourse as a ‘critical stand to bid’ was produced by categorized in the suspicion for the effect of hosting event in GP, the condition to form a ‘transcend-positive-law’ for absolve a lawbreaker to eradicate obstacles of diplomacy, and the logic of GP to depend on a tourism, as well as intention for silencing the environmental issues in Pyengchang.
The research trends in motor control and motor Learning focused on domestic journals: 1990-2006 인문,사회과학편 : 국내 운동제어 및 학습 연구의 동향
송용관YongGwanSong , 정기홍KiHongJoung
46(5) 149-162, 2007
The research trends in motor control and motor Learning focused on domestic journals: 1990-2006 인문,사회과학편 : 국내 운동제어 및 학습 연구의 동향
송용관YongGwanSong , 정기홍KiHongJoung
The purpose of this study was to analyze the research trends shown in the articles on motor control and motor learning, which were published in The Korean Journal of Physical Education and The Korean Journal of Sport Psychology, and to suggest future research directions. For this study, 237 papers regarding motor control and motor learning were selected for contents analysis According to the analysis, studies on Motor control have been conducted twice as much as(145 articles, 61.2%) those on motor learning(92 articles, 38.8%). In terms of research subjects, studies only dealing with male subjects outnumbered those with female, and most studies were conducted on those who were either in their 10 or 20 The number of studies on those who were either over 60 or under 10 was relatively small compared to other age groups. Quasi-experimental researches were used most frequently due to the nature of the academic area, The experimental tools used most in the research was Reaction time measurement followed by Horizontal arm bar and Motion analyzer. As for the research contents, much attention was paid to the coordination of motor control and augmented feedback of motor learning. Based on the research result, the variety of research subjects, methods, trends and contents were discussed for the improvement of the research on motor control and motor learning.
Key Words
motor control, motor Learning, content analysis, research trends
Development and adaptation of e-sports game addiction diagnostic scale 인문,사회과학편 : e-sports 게임중독 진단척도의 개발과 적용
조송현SongHyeonCho , 류민정MinJeongLyu
46(5) 163-174, 2007
Development and adaptation of e-sports game addiction diagnostic scale 인문,사회과학편 : e-sports 게임중독 진단척도의 개발과 적용
조송현SongHyeonCho , 류민정MinJeongLyu
The purpose of this study was to investigate the validation of e-sports game addiction diagnostic scale which was developed and revised by Lee (2001, 2002). Participants were a total of 1,301 students in elementary, middle and high school. For the analysis of data, mean and standard deviation were evaluated. As analysis method, correlation analysis, one-way ANOVA, exploratory factor analysis, Cronbach's α, and confirmatory factor analysis were used with SPSS ver 11.0 and Amos 5.0 programs. The conclusions were as follows: Five factors were extracted with 15 items (psychological absorption, low academic attitude, maladaptive behavior, negative emotional experience, and personal relationship problem). It suggested the need of future studies with various participants who have different character in order to examine the reliability and validation of e-sports game addiction diagnostic scale. Also the studies about e-sports on theoretical and academic basis would be needed.
A study on satisfaction formation of participants in golf Lessons 인문,사회과학편 : 골프 레슨참여자들의 만족감 형성에 관한 연구
조원득WonDuekCho , 여인성InSungYeo , 안병욱ByoungWookAhn
46(5) 175-186, 2007
A study on satisfaction formation of participants in golf Lessons 인문,사회과학편 : 골프 레슨참여자들의 만족감 형성에 관한 연구
조원득WonDuekCho , 여인성InSungYeo , 안병욱ByoungWookAhn
The purpose of this study was to inquire the forming factor and process in satisfaction of participants in golf lessons. Through qualitative research method, the following questions were set up to achieve the results for this study. First what was the motive of the participants in golf lesson? Second, what was the forming factor in their satisfaction? Third, what was the process in satisfaction of the participants with the golf lesson? To find out the satisfaction achieved through golf lesson, qualitative research method such as in-depth interview, participant observation was used. The results were summarized as below. First, the satisfaction forming factors were divided into three different groups. The appeared a professional golfer and instructor, the environmental factors of the practice range and equipments, lesson systems and wide range of programs, service of the practice range including. Second, the formative process in satisfaction of golf lesson with the lesson for improvement in golfing skills, formed satisfaction through teaching skills, lesson systems and wide range of programs.
Key Words
golf Lesson, satisfaction, forming factor and process
Affordance perception related with postural control in pre- and post- school children 인문,사회과학편 : 취학 전, 후 아동의 자세유지 관련 어포던스의 지각
이보라BoRaLee , 박승하SeungHaPark
46(5) 187-196, 2007
Affordance perception related with postural control in pre- and post- school children 인문,사회과학편 : 취학 전, 후 아동의 자세유지 관련 어포던스의 지각
이보라BoRaLee , 박승하SeungHaPark
This study is to investigate the different characteristics of pre and post school children by analyzing the relationship between affordance perception ability and sustained upright standing ability. Twelve pre-school children(4~6 years old) and 12 post-school children(9-11 years old) were participated and performed verbal responses(yes or no) whether they can sustain upright standing position under the two conditions of perceptual mode(visual vs. haptic) on the three different degree of inclination surface (12°, 22°, 33°) from the two different observational directions(frontal vs. sagittal). They also executed the sustained upright standing under the same conditions. The results about the frequency analysis of verbal response(yes) and the actual sustained upright standing posture revealed that, for visual perception mode, pre-school children(4~6 year old) overestimated their ability as the inclination of standing surface increase, and both pre- and post-school children had a limited ability available for haptic information to perceive affordance on postural control. These results suggest there are differences in relationship of perception and action system related to postural control according to the perceptual mode and motor development processes.
Key Words
affordance, perception, postural control
Coordination structure between homologous inter-Limb of upper body by attentional focus feedback on a golf pitch shot task 인문,사회과학편 : 골프 피치 샷 과제 수행 시 주의초점 피드백에 따른 상지의 동종사지간 협응구조
권승민SeungMinKwon , 이한우HanWooLee , 신정택JungTaekShin
46(5) 197-211, 2007
Coordination structure between homologous inter-Limb of upper body by attentional focus feedback on a golf pitch shot task 인문,사회과학편 : 골프 피치 샷 과제 수행 시 주의초점 피드백에 따른 상지의 동종사지간 협응구조
권승민SeungMinKwon , 이한우HanWooLee , 신정택JungTaekShin
The present study examined the effect of two different attentional focus feedback conditions (verbal intrinsic feedback and extrinsic feedback) on homologous inter-limb coordination structure of upper body. The participants of this study were one expert golfer, who has been a member of KPGA, and six collegiate students. They had no prior experience with the experimental task and were all right handers. The participants were randomly divided into three groups(extrinsic feedback-KP100%, intrinsic feedback-KP100%, and control group-no KP). All of them performed a retention test without KP. Data were analyzed to compare coordination structures among a left shoulder angle and a right shoulder angle, a left elbow angle and a right elbow angle, and a left wrist angle and a right wrist angle. In the result of the analyze and experiment, the participants received extrinsic feedback showed the similar coordination patterns to the expert, but all participants showed excessive and unstable wrist movement patterns. We concluded that this is because the novice golfers relied too much on arm movements rather than rotation force from a swing. Therefore, researchers and coaches should find a way to sold such problem so that novice golfers can use turning force from a swing to perform well.
Key Words
attention focus feedback, coordination structure
Obstacles of physical education assessment in the elementary school 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학교 체육평가 개선의 장애요인
46(5) 213-228, 2007
Obstacles of physical education assessment in the elementary school 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학교 체육평가 개선의 장애요인
Unfortunately, assessment in the elementary school has a lot of superficial aspects. It is very serious situation in physical education(PE) assessment. The purpose of this study is to find obstacles of PE assessment in the elementary school in the side of teachers. The participants for this study were 6 elementary school teachers in G city, Chung-nam. The data were collected through the depth interviews, the participant observation of classes and documents. The data were studied by the case record analysis and inductive analysis. The conclusions of this study were ′adherence of recognition′, ′perfunctory assessment plan′, ′passive assessment′, ′lack of teacher training′, ′lack of practical knowledge′. And I suggested the ways of improvement. Thus, if we remove obstacles of PEA one by one physical education including PE assessment in the elementary school will be improved.
Key Words
adherence of recognition, perfunctory assessment plan, passive assessment, Lack of teacher training, Lack of practical regression model
The study of joy, anger, sorrow and pleasure Life to professional in elementary school teachers 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학교 교사의 직업적 삶에 대한 희로애락(喜怒哀樂) 연구
46(5) 229-244, 2007
The study of joy, anger, sorrow and pleasure Life to professional in elementary school teachers 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학교 교사의 직업적 삶에 대한 희로애락(喜怒哀樂) 연구
The purpose of this study was to understand how elementary school teachers revealed feelings like joy, anger, sorrow and pleasure lying inside their professional lives, and how they maintained and controled these feelings to lead their lives. To achieve this goal, a qualitative case study was conducted to 5 elementary school teachers in Seoul. First, an usual day of elementary school teachers was a series of continuity, regularity and repetition. Also, they should keep busy hands with their students in the professional lives. Second, elementary school teachers felt joy through new findings drawn by their teaching, but were angry at societies and other people that ignored and confused them with the intereference and hindrance of class. On the other hand, they felt sorrow, when they could not but accepting insecure reality and found their limitation. However, they were very happy when they had a time with students in school. Third, elementary school teachers maintained positive feelings through looking back on the past and strengthening positive feelings. On the other hand, they appeased and endured negative feelings through delay of time and the conversion of situation.
Key Words
joy, anger, sorrow and pleasure, emotion, professional Lives, elementary school teachers
Effects of cooperative Learning on the performance of middle school physical education class 인문,사회과학편 : 중학교 체육수업에서의 수행에 대한 협동학습의 효과
46(5) 245-255, 2007
Effects of cooperative Learning on the performance of middle school physical education class 인문,사회과학편 : 중학교 체육수업에서의 수행에 대한 협동학습의 효과
The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of a cooperative learning strategy in physical education on academic learning time, the percentage of correct trials, the total number of trials, and the number of correct trials. A cooperative learning strategy, PACER (Performer and Coach Earn Rewards), was implemented a eighth-grade physical education classes. Four male students participated. An A-B-A-B withdrawal design was used to assess the effects of PACER during an 15-days unit of instruction. Functional relationships were demonstrated for the percentage of correct trials for all participants. Interestingly, low-skilled students performed as well as their average- and highly skilled counterparts.
Effects of cooperative Learning strategies on students performance in 7th grade physical education soccer unit 인문,사회과학편 : 협동학습수업이 축구단원 학업성취에 미치는 영향
김찬중ChanJungKim , 박형란HyoungRanPark , 이한주HanJ.Lee
46(5) 257-265, 2007
Effects of cooperative Learning strategies on students performance in 7th grade physical education soccer unit 인문,사회과학편 : 협동학습수업이 축구단원 학업성취에 미치는 영향
김찬중ChanJungKim , 박형란HyoungRanPark , 이한주HanJ.Lee
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of cooperative learning(CL) model on students' achievement in the seventh grade soccer unit. Participants were seventh grade students(N=64) in a middle school. Quasi-experimental design, nonequivalent control group design with pretest and posttest, was used for this study. Control group(n=32) received traditional teacher-directed instruction while the experimental group(n=32) used CL instruction. Data were collected by students' achievement test(i.e., soccer skill test, knowledge test, and students' attitudes toward PE) before and after the three week soccer unit. Overall, the results of three-way ANOVA showed that students working with CL instructional modelexhibited significantly higher scores in the achievement test(F(1, 52)=42.736, p<.001). More specifically, students in CL instruction model showed greater improvements than teacher-directed instruction in the psychomotor, cognitive and affective domain. Male students showed better achievement gains than Female students who had the same forms of instruction.
Structural equation modeling analysis of the influence of environment and empowerment on physical education teacher’s organizational effectiveness 인문,사회과학편 : 체육교사의 환경요인과 임파워먼트 및 조직유효성과의 관계모형 검증
46(5) 267-280, 2007
Structural equation modeling analysis of the influence of environment and empowerment on physical education teacher’s organizational effectiveness 인문,사회과학편 : 체육교사의 환경요인과 임파워먼트 및 조직유효성과의 관계모형 검증
This study was performed to analyze effects of the physical education teacher's environment factor and physical education teacher empowerment on organizational effectiveness. A predictive, Non-experimental design was used to test the model in a sample of 309 physical teacher working in middle and high school in Incheon, Taejeon, and Chungnam province. The data were collected and was analyzed with descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation of SPSS 10.0 version and with path analysis of AMOS 5.0 version. The physical education teacher's personal and organizational environment factor has direct effects on empowerment. The physical education teacher's personal factor and organizational factor also has direct and indirect effects. The physical education Teacher's empowerment has direct effects on organizational effectiveness. The positive change shows on person behaviors and attitudes when the physical education teachers who have positive environment factors are empowered.
Key Words
physical education teacher, person environment, organizational environment, teacher’s empowerment
Development and generalization of sport brand association scale 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 브랜드 연상 척도의 개발 및 표준화
46(5) 281-291, 2007
Development and generalization of sport brand association scale 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠 브랜드 연상 척도의 개발 및 표준화
The purpose of this study was to develop the sport brand association scale in Korea based on Team Association Model(TAM) developed by Gladden & Funk(2002), based on Keller’s model(1993), and its generalization into professional sport in Korea. Scale was consisted of 16 sub-facets with total of 50 items with 3 sub-domains such as attribute, benefit, and attitude. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, total 306 spectators who attended professional baseball and basketball games in Korea were surveyed. In data analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, Cronbach’s α, discriminate validity, and CR score were used to confirm the validity and reliability of the scale. Results indicated that 13 facets among original 16 original facets significantly represented brand association in sport excluding team management, peer group acceptance, and affective response. Specially, product delivery, fan identification, and nostalgia showed strong predictability for sport brand association.
Key Words
pro-sport, brand equity, brand association
Relations among perceived promotion of pro volleyball title sponsorship, enterprise image, brand recognition, brand image 인문,사회과학편 : 프로배구 타이틀 스폰서십의 지각된 촉진과 기업이미지, 브랜드인지도, 브랜드이미지와의 관계
46(5) 293-304, 2007
Relations among perceived promotion of pro volleyball title sponsorship, enterprise image, brand recognition, brand image 인문,사회과학편 : 프로배구 타이틀 스폰서십의 지각된 촉진과 기업이미지, 브랜드인지도, 브랜드이미지와의 관계
This study examined closely relations among perceived promotion of pro volleyball tile sponsorship, enterprise image, brand recognition, brand image, so that was to analyse the effect of pro volleyball title sponsorship. The subjects were spectators who watched fifteen kinds of volleyball games in 5 round (during 10 days) among total 6 round in Hillstate 2006-2007 V-league, from Dec. 23rd, 2006 to Mar. 29th, 2007, and 429 questionnaires was used. The statistics method was Multiple Regression Analysis, the result of this study were as follows; First, perceived sales promotion, perceived board advertising, perceived event information had positive influence on enterprise superiority image, and perceived sales promotion had positive influence on society contribution image. Second, perceived board advertising, perceived event information had positive influence on brand recognition, and perceived board advertising had positive influence on brand image. Third, enterprise superiority image had positive influence on brand recognition and brand image, society contribution image had positive influence on brand image.
A study on marketing strategies by comparison of the selecting attributes between two theme parks in Gyeonggi-Do 인문,사회과학편 : 경기도 지역 테마파크의 선택속성 비교에 따른 "H"시 자동차테마파크 사업 마케팅 방향설정 연구
46(5) 305-315, 2007
A study on marketing strategies by comparison of the selecting attributes between two theme parks in Gyeonggi-Do 인문,사회과학편 : 경기도 지역 테마파크의 선택속성 비교에 따른 "H"시 자동차테마파크 사업 마케팅 방향설정 연구
The purpose of this study was to compare and investigate the selecting attributes between two theme parks, Seoulland and Everland of which are close to "H"-Si, Gyeonggi-Do. By a convenience sampling method, a total of 400(198 for Everland & 202 for Seoulland) usable data were selected. Multiple statistical methods (a cross-tabulation with Chi-square analysis, factor analysis, t-test, multiple regression) were taken to analyze the data. In results, by using a cross-tabulation with Chi-square, there were statistically significant differences between two theme parks on three demographic profiles (age, place of residence, & occupation). Using a t-test, 3 out of 5 selecting attribute factors which were figured by a factor analysis were statistically significant between two theme parks. Finally, while 3 out of 5 factors (material service, personal service, & price) had statistically significant influence on visitors' satisfaction of the Everland, 3 out of 5 factors (material service. personal service, & use-approach) had significant influence on visitors' satisfaction of the Seoulland.
Key Words
automobile then park, selecting attributes, Seoulland, Everland
The structural relationship between servicescape of soccer stadium and repurchasing intention of K-League spectators 인문,사회과학편 : 프로축구경기장의 물리적 환경과 재관람의도의 구조적 관계
김용만YongManKim , 정정희JungHeeJung , 이계석KyeSokLee
46(5) 317-327, 2007
The structural relationship between servicescape of soccer stadium and repurchasing intention of K-League spectators 인문,사회과학편 : 프로축구경기장의 물리적 환경과 재관람의도의 구조적 관계
김용만YongManKim , 정정희JungHeeJung , 이계석KyeSokLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of servicescape of soccer stadium on emotion experience, attitude toward spectatorship and repurchase intention of spectator. 400 samples were collected using convenient sampling method from home spectators at four games(FC Seoul, Sungnam Ilwha, Incheon UTD, & Suwon Samsung) of professional soccer games in K-league(n=400). Thirty-four respondents were eliminated due to excessive missing responses leaving a sample of 366. Dada were analyzed through SPSS 12.0 Ver. and AMOS 4.0. Findings were as follows; First, servicescape of soccer stadium(seating comfort, electronic equipment display, facility cleanliness, facility aesthetics) significantly and positively influence upon positive emotion. Second, facility cleanliness and facility aesthetics of servicescape significantly and influence upon negative emotion. Third, seating comfort and of electronic equipment display of servicescape do not influence upon negative emotion. Fourth, positive emotion positively influence upon attitude toward spectatorship but negative emotion do not influence upon attitude toward spectatorship. Fifth, attitude toward spectatorship significantly and positively influence upon repurchase intention.
Research about CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) practice in Taekwondo gymnasium 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도장에서의 CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility) 실천방안에 관한 연구
46(5) 329-339, 2007
Research about CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) practice in Taekwondo gymnasium 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도장에서의 CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility) 실천방안에 관한 연구
This research wishes to examine and look for CSR practice methodology about whether Taekwondo gymnasium's manager must take some social responsibility as enterpriser. First, enlightenment about social responsibility of Taekwondo gymnasium’s manager must be. For this, organization which is connected with Taekwondo must do various leader training and enlightenment activity through seminar's holding. Second, leader who awake CSR’s necessity must ready evaluation indicators for sustainability management. Third, effort for protecting Taekwondo master’s interests may have to be accompanied. In short, thing which wish to emphasize in this research can give resources that do not see in eye that is image raising to gymnasium (corporation) when Taekwondo gymnasium tries for social responsibility clearly, sale enlargement in market side and raising perception and customer retention in corporation side appear. It is the best way that can do to exalt job satisfaction of Taekwondo masters (employee) in employee side. Finally Taekwondo gymnasium managers’ awareness through this research desires that is converted.
Key Words
Taekwondo, corporate social responsibility
A comparative study of the choice factor and purchasing satisfaction between gender in purchasing golf wear 인문,사회과학편 : 성별에 따른 골프의류 구매결정요인과 구매만족도에 미치는 영향 비교 연구
정지명JiMyungJung , 송병주ByungJooSong
46(5) 341-351, 2007
A comparative study of the choice factor and purchasing satisfaction between gender in purchasing golf wear 인문,사회과학편 : 성별에 따른 골프의류 구매결정요인과 구매만족도에 미치는 영향 비교 연구
정지명JiMyungJung , 송병주ByungJooSong
The purpose of this study is to find out if the choice factors make differences between genders and additionally, relationship between choice factor through purchasing satisfaction specially in golf wear. To justify the proportion of the genders, we used cluster random sampling considering PPS(Probability proportionate to size) and distributed 300 questionnaires. In data processing, we tried multiple group analysis using Amos version 5.0 to check out the validity and appropriateness of both male and female group of composition factor which established through exploratory factor analysis. Also, we used LMA(latent mean analysis) to find out the differences of gender in compliance with choice factor. The result as follows: construct equivalence in gender has turned out to be testified so that in both group, we could use same measurement and found that the mean of functional and design factor of choice factors are significantly different according to gender. Also, found that purchasing satisfaction in compliance with gender according to choice factor, in case of female consumers, functional and design factor of choice factors have effect on the purchasing satisfaction.
The analysis of involvement effection as a mediator between decisive factors of sports-outfit and purchase-satisfaction 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠의류 선택요인과 구매만족도 관계에서 관여도의 매개효과 검증
김범준BeomJoonKim , 조광민KwangMinCho , 이승로SeungLoRhee
46(5) 353-363, 2007
The analysis of involvement effection as a mediator between decisive factors of sports-outfit and purchase-satisfaction 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠의류 선택요인과 구매만족도 관계에서 관여도의 매개효과 검증
김범준BeomJoonKim , 조광민KwangMinCho , 이승로SeungLoRhee
The purpose of this study is to analysis of involvement effection as a mediator between decisive factors of sports-outfit and purchase-satisfaction. The subjects of this study were collected among the university students who belong to university located in Seoul. 248 out of 350. Questionnaires were analyzed with SPSS 13.0 version and AMOS 5.0 for this study. The results of this study is following. Among the decisive factors of sports-outfit, Involvement is not as a mediator between price factor and purchase-satisfaction. but involvement is as a partially mediator between brand factor and satisfaction, and between capacity factor and satisfaction. Involvement is as a perfectly mediator between design factor and purchase-satisfaction.
Key Words
decisive factor of sport-outfit, purchase-satisfaction, involvement, mediated effection
Determinant factors of spectators’ attendance professional soccer games and market segmentation according to their future consumption behaviors 인문,사회과학편 : 프로축구 관전자의 관전결정요인과 미래 소비행동에 따른 시장세분화
이정학JeongHakLee , 정승훈SeungHoonJeong
46(5) 365-376, 2007
Determinant factors of spectators’ attendance professional soccer games and market segmentation according to their future consumption behaviors 인문,사회과학편 : 프로축구 관전자의 관전결정요인과 미래 소비행동에 따른 시장세분화
이정학JeongHakLee , 정승훈SeungHoonJeong
The purpose of this research was to provide basic reference materials for market segmentation by identifying relationships between determinant factors of spectators’ attendance professional soccer games and their future consumption behaviors. Survey was conducted using spectators at professional soccer games. As to the subjects of this survey, those spectators who watched regular soccer matches of 2006 K-League played at Suwon, Busan, Seoul, Changwon, Daejeon, Seongnam and Incheon were selected as population and then were sampled using Convenience Sampling. 1,400 participants were asked to complete a survey, and data collected from 1,275 respondents were actually used in analysis. In conclusion, 4 determinant factors were drawn out through exploratory factor analysis and using cluster analysis by demographical trait, grasp the determinant factor differences between the 8 spectator groups. And result of analysing the effect of determinant factors of spectators on the future consumption behaviors shows that personal factor was most influential, attraction of game itself was second effective and the promotion factor was the least effective factor on the positive influences, while the cost factor has negative influences.
Key Words
determinant factor, attendance professional soccer, future consumption behaviors
The effect of worksite circumstance on job satisfaction and occupation satisfaction for professional dance troupe 인문,사회과학편 : 직업무용단의 상황변수가 직업무용단원의 직무만족 및 직업만족에 미치는 영향
46(5) 377-384, 2007
The effect of worksite circumstance on job satisfaction and occupation satisfaction for professional dance troupe 인문,사회과학편 : 직업무용단의 상황변수가 직업무용단원의 직무만족 및 직업만족에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship among the component factors of professional dancer's official environment, official and occupation satisfaction. The subjects of this study was the group that professional dancers who work for traditional dance troupe. For those sheet, judged to be insincere and to be unsuitable for the purpose of this study, and were missing questions excluded. SPSS 12.0 for window statistics package and AMOS 4.0 for window statistics package were used for data analysis. The component factors of job satisfaction was a salary, advancement, colleague relation, duty diversity, occupational stability, duty self-control. The goodness of the model was confirmed by data analysis and then the hypotheses testing were conducted. The findings are as follows: Firstly, duty self-control, salary, advancement, job stability did have a significant effect on job satisfaction. But duty diversity, colleague relation didn't have a significant effect on job satisfaction. Secondly, job satisfaction did have a significant effect on occupational satisfaction.
Key Words
job satisfaction, occupation satisfaction, professional dance troupe, professional dancer
Effects of employee’s organizational justice on perceived organizational support in a ski resort: Moderating effects of perceived politics 인문,사회과학편 : 스키장 직원의 조직공정성이 정치지각수준별 조직후원인식에 미치는 영향
정태욱TaeWookChung , 전중환JungHwanJeon , 주종미JongMiJoo
46(5) 385-397, 2007
Effects of employee’s organizational justice on perceived organizational support in a ski resort: Moderating effects of perceived politics 인문,사회과학편 : 스키장 직원의 조직공정성이 정치지각수준별 조직후원인식에 미치는 영향
정태욱TaeWookChung , 전중환JungHwanJeon , 주종미JongMiJoo
The primary purpose of this study was to identify how perceived organizational support, which is positively related to organizational effectiveness, would be determined. Specifically, this study was to examine the relationships between perceived organizational support and distributive justice or procedural justice through an intensive literature review. In addition, the moderating effect of perceived politics was investigated on the relationships between these variables. A total of 521 usable data were collected in ski resorts. SPSS 13.0 and LISREL 8.7 were used for the data analysis. The results indicated that only procedural justice positively influenced perceived organizational support. In addition, a high group of perceived politics showed the stronger effect of procedural justice on perceived organizational support, while a low group of perceived politics had the stronger influence of distributive justice on perceived organizational support. Therefore, managers in ski resorts should establish the different strategics for human resource management based on the level of perceived politics.
Structural equation modeling analysis on the exercise adherence process of the consumer at the commercial sports facilities 인문,사회과학편 : 상업스포츠시설 소비자의 운동참가지속 과정 구조모델 분석
46(5) 399-411, 2007
Structural equation modeling analysis on the exercise adherence process of the consumer at the commercial sports facilities 인문,사회과학편 : 상업스포츠시설 소비자의 운동참가지속 과정 구조모델 분석
This study was to analyze the structural equation modeling analysis on the exercise adherence process of the consumer at the commercial sports facilities. To attain the goal of this study described above paragraphs, the consumer participating at the commercial sports centers in Seoul, 2006 year were set as a collected group. Then, cluster random sampling method, finally drew out and analyzed 211 people in total. The result of reliability check up was here below; over Chronbach’s α=.700. The conclusion are here below. First, the significant others influences on the degree of the exercise, but don’t influence on the exercise satisfaction and adherence. Second, exercise support don’t influence on the degree of the exercise and adherence, but influence on the exercise satisfaction. Third, the degree of the exercise influences on the exercise satisfaction, but don’t influences on the exercise adherence. Fourth, the exercise satisfaction influences on the exercise adherence.
An influence of Taekwondo gymnasium Leader`s customer direction on training quality, customer satisfaction and practice continuance intention 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도장 지도자의 고객지향성이 수련품질, 고객만족, 수련지속의도에 미치는 영향
An influence of Taekwondo gymnasium Leader`s customer direction on training quality, customer satisfaction and practice continuance intention 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도장 지도자의 고객지향성이 수련품질, 고객만족, 수련지속의도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to examines the influence of Taekwondo gymnasium leader’s customer direction on training quality, customer satisfaction and practice continuance intention. The total number of sampling was 250 individuals, who are the current Taekwondo trainees from fourth to nine grade students at ten Taekwondo gymnasium in Seoul and Gyeonggi province. Data processing was done for exploratory factor analysis using SPSSWIN Ver.12.0 and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model analysis using AMOS 4.0. The main findings of this study are as follows: First, Taekwondo gymnasium leader’s customer direction had significant influence on practice quality. Second, Taekwondo gymnasium leader’s customer direction had significant influence on customer satisfaction. Third, training quality had significant influence on customer satisfaction. Fourth, training quality had no significant influence on training continuance intention. Fifth, customer satisfaction had significant influence on training continuance intention.
Key Words
Taekwondo gymnasium Leader, customer intention, training quality, customer satisfaction, practice continuance intention
The relationship among service quality, service value, customer satisfaction and customer Loyalty in Taekwondo academies 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도장의 지각된 서비스품질, 서비스가치, 고개만족, 고객애호도의 관계
46(5) 423-434, 2007
The relationship among service quality, service value, customer satisfaction and customer Loyalty in Taekwondo academies 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도장의 지각된 서비스품질, 서비스가치, 고개만족, 고객애호도의 관계
The purpose of the study was to make a close inquiry into a causal relationship among service quality, service value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in Taekwondo academies. To achieve this purpose of the study, after setting up trainees of Taekwondo academies in Daegu Metropolitan City in February, 2007 as a population, total 480 persons with a stratified cluster random sampling method as an object and utilized 468 copies as the last study data. On the basis of the data of 468 persons collected, as the result which enforced the frequency analysis, the exploratory factor analysis, the confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis and the structural equation model analysis with SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 4.0, it induced the following conclusion. First, it was appeared that the service quality of Taekwondo academies had a significant influence on service value. Second, it was appeared that the service quality of Taekwondo academies had a significant influence on customer satisfaction. Third, it was appeared that the service quality of Taekwondo academies didn’t have a significant influence on customer loyalty. Fourth, it was appeared that the service value of Taekwondo academies had a significant influence on customer satisfaction. Fifth, it was appeared that the service value of Taekwondo academies didn’t have a significant influence on customer loyalty. Sixth, it was appeared that the customer satisfaction of Taekwondo academies had a significant influence on customer loyalty.
Key Words
Taekwondo, service quality, service value, customer satisfaction, customer Loyalty
Influence of community sport club participants` Leisure identity on subjective well-being 인문,사회과학편 : 지역사회 스포츠클럽 참가자들의 여가정체성이 주관적 안녕감에 미치는 영향
46(5) 435-444, 2007
Influence of community sport club participants` Leisure identity on subjective well-being 인문,사회과학편 : 지역사회 스포츠클럽 참가자들의 여가정체성이 주관적 안녕감에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence community sport club participants’ leisure identity on subjective well-being. In order to achieve this purpose, a total of 382 community sport club participants of five events in Young Dong region in Gang Won province were selected with subjects of final analysis. The instrument for this survey was a questionnaire in which items consisted of scales through exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis. For the statistical analysis, one-way ANOVA and multi regression analysis were employed. The conclusions were as follows; Firstly, there were totally significant differences in leisure identity according to participation event of community sport club participants. Secondly, there were partly significant differences in subjective well-being according to participation event of community sport club participants. Thirdly, participants’ leisure identity influences on their subjective well-being partly.
Key Words
community sports club, Leisure identity, subjective well-being
The differences of customer satisfaction, customers’s intention to adherence, word-of-mouth intention based upon involvement of dance sport participants 인문,사회과학편 : 댄스스포츠 참가자의 관여도에 따른 이용만족, 지속이용의도 및 구전의도의 차이
46(5) 445-452, 2007
The differences of customer satisfaction, customers’s intention to adherence, word-of-mouth intention based upon involvement of dance sport participants 인문,사회과학편 : 댄스스포츠 참가자의 관여도에 따른 이용만족, 지속이용의도 및 구전의도의 차이
The purpose of this study was to examine the customer satisfaction, customers’ intention to adherence, and word-of-mouth intention according to involvement of dance sport participants. 390 samples were collected from dance sport program participants of sport centers and public facilities in Seoul and Kyungki-Do by using convenience sampling method. The questionnaire was consisted of involvement, satisfaction, and customer's intention. The questionnaire was used after conducting face, construct, & content validity test and reliability test. The data were analysed by using SPSS ver 12.0 for Windows. Factor analysis, ANOVA, and Post-hoc (Scheffe) were used where appropriate. As a result, it was found that customer satisfaction, intention to adherence, and word-of-mouth were much higher for people with high level of involvement. It can be suggested that dance sport participants' involvement needs to be understood to succeed the program.
Key Words
overall satisfaction, Leisure sport, commercial and public spurt centers
A survey on the actual condition of recruitment of dance departments in secondary art schools 인문,사회과학편 : 예술 중·고등학교의 무용과 신입생 충원 실태 조사
강미선MiSunKang , 김정현JeongHyunKim
46(5) 453-463, 2007
A survey on the actual condition of recruitment of dance departments in secondary art schools 인문,사회과학편 : 예술 중·고등학교의 무용과 신입생 충원 실태 조사
강미선MiSunKang , 김정현JeongHyunKim
The purpose of the present study was to survey the actual condition of recruitment of dance department in secondary art schools. Recruitment data from 2004 to 2006 year of all 26 schools and 680 dance majoring students were collected through nation. Significant results are; 1. Recruitment ratio decreases in year, region, and major during 3 years. 2. Students recognize the economic factor as prime factor of decrease, otherwise teachers the school environmental factor. 3. Social contributions of dance department and abilities of teachers should be improved in order to this problem as soon as possible.
Key Words
recruitment, secondary art school
The effect of home-based and hospital-based exercise on cardiopulmonary capacity and Lipid profile in patients with coronary artery diseases 자연과학편 : 관상동맥 질환자의 시술 후 가정운동과 병원에서의 운동이 심폐기능 및 혈중지질에 미치는 영향
이한준HanJoonLee , 진영수YoungSooJin
46(5) 465-474, 2007
The effect of home-based and hospital-based exercise on cardiopulmonary capacity and Lipid profile in patients with coronary artery diseases 자연과학편 : 관상동맥 질환자의 시술 후 가정운동과 병원에서의 운동이 심폐기능 및 혈중지질에 미치는 영향
이한준HanJoonLee , 진영수YoungSooJin
The purpose of this study was to exam the effect of 12-weeks hospital-based versus home-based exercise on cardiopulmonary capacity and lipid profile in patients with CAD. 32 patients divided into 3 groups(hospital-based; n=10, home-based; n=12, control; n=10). Exercise consisted of aerobic exercise(cycle and treadmill walking or walking) and strength exercise performing for 200kcal/day. The primary outcome was cardiopulmonary capacity, measured by VO2peak, AT, duration and MO2. Secondary outcome was lipid profile, measured by TC, HDL-C, LDL-C, TG. VO2peak and MO2 were increased significantly after both exercise groups(p<.05). Exercise duration was increased significantly at home-based group(p<.05). TC was reduced significantly at home-based group(p<.05). HDL-C was increased significantly at home-based group(p<.05). TG was reduced significantly after both exercise group(p<.05). The results indicate that hospital-based and home-based exercise are helpful to get affirmative progress in cardiopulmonary capacity and lipid profile.
Comparisons of daily energy expenditure estimated by heart rate recording, pedometer, accelerometer, and questionnaires among collegiate men 자연과학편 : 심박수 기록, 보행계수기, 가속도계, 설문지를 이용한 20대 남자 대학생의 하루 에너지 소비량 비교
안홍진HongJinAhn , 구현정HyunJoungKu , 차광석KwangSukCha
46(5) 475-484, 2007
Comparisons of daily energy expenditure estimated by heart rate recording, pedometer, accelerometer, and questionnaires among collegiate men 자연과학편 : 심박수 기록, 보행계수기, 가속도계, 설문지를 이용한 20대 남자 대학생의 하루 에너지 소비량 비교
안홍진HongJinAhn , 구현정HyunJoungKu , 차광석KwangSukCha
The present study evaluated the daily energy expenditure (DEE) of Korean collegiate men using an accelerometer, a pedometer, questionnaires, and recordings, which have been developed and widely utilized internationally. Also, these data were compared with data of heart rate recording (HRrec) to examine which estimating tools are best fit with DEE measured by HRrec. Analyses revealed that the closest approximation to energy expenditure by HRrec was International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), and accelerometer and pedometer were highly correlated with HRrec. DEE of Bouchard 3-day Physical Activity Recordings (BPAR) and KIDH-24 were highly correlated with that of HRrec. Physical characteristics were significantly correlated with IPAQ. Based on the DEE of each instrument and relationships among those, BPAR, KIDH-24, IPAQ, and 7-days recall were closely approximate the DEE of Korean collegiate men. However, these instruments also should be carefully selected and utilized according to their applications.
Key Words
physical activity questionnaire, heart rate, energy expenditure, pedometer
Lifestyle risk factors and osteopenia in female college students 자연과학편 : 여자대학생의 생활습관 위험인자와 골감소증
최혜진HeaGinChoi , 이종도ChongDoLee
46(5) 485-492, 2007
Lifestyle risk factors and osteopenia in female college students 자연과학편 : 여자대학생의 생활습관 위험인자와 골감소증
최혜진HeaGinChoi , 이종도ChongDoLee
Whether lifestyle risk factors relate to osteopenia in female college students remain less clear. We examined the association of lifestyle risk factors to osteopenia among 121 female college students. We measured lifestyle risk factors using the standardized questionnaire. Bone mineral density was measured by Quantitative Ultrasonography(QUS), and participants were classified as normal and osteopenia. Multivariate logistic regression models were used to investigate the association of lifestyle risk factors to osteopenia with adjustment of age. Multivariate logistic regression documented that active lifestyle is directly associated with incidence of osteopenia in female college students. After adjustment for age, active female students had a 79% lower odds (95% CI, 0.07, 0.67, p = 0.001) of having osteopenia when compared with inactive college students. Current smokers had twice the risk of having osteopenia, but this association was statistically nonsignificant (p=0.48). An active lifestyle is associated with lower risk of developing osteopenia in female college students.
Key Words
osteopenia, Lifestyle risk factor, female college students
Effects of swiss ball-elastic band exercise for 1 year on body composition, physical fitness and bone mineral density and correlations of psychosocial factors in middle-aged women 자연과학편 : 볼-밴드 복합운동이 중년여성의 신체구성과 체력, 골밀도에 미치는 효과 및 정신사회적 요인과의 상관관계
장재훈JaeHoonJang , 허선SunHur , 홍관이KwanYiHong
46(5) 493-501, 2007
Effects of swiss ball-elastic band exercise for 1 year on body composition, physical fitness and bone mineral density and correlations of psychosocial factors in middle-aged women 자연과학편 : 볼-밴드 복합운동이 중년여성의 신체구성과 체력, 골밀도에 미치는 효과 및 정신사회적 요인과의 상관관계
장재훈JaeHoonJang , 허선SunHur , 홍관이KwanYiHong
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of exercise program on body composition, physical fitness and bone mineral density and correlations of psychosocial factors in middle-aged women and improvement of obesity and osteoporosis. None of them(subjects were 16 middle-aged women) has any illness and use of any medication during the experiment. Before and after swiss ball-elastic band exercise for 1 year, body composition, physical fitness and bone mineral density were analyzed. The psychosocial tests included the dietary habit, life style and stress by means of questionnaires. After 1 year, weight, body mass index(BMI), %fat, and waist-hip ratio(WHR) were significantly decreased. On the other hand, lean body mass(LBM), physical fitness and bone density were increased significantly(p<.05). Dietary was reverse related with LBM and flexibility and stress index was reverse correlated with balance. Meanwhile, only life style was related BMI and WHR. In conclusion, it suggested that swiss ball-elastic band exercise has positive effect on body composition and bone mineral density.
Key Words
swiss ball-elastic band exercise, body composition, physical fitness, bone mineral density, psychosocial factors
The effects of acute resistance exercise on insulin sensitivity, plasma Lactate and CK 자연과학편 : 일회성 저항운동이 인슐린 감수성 및 혈중 젖산, CK에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of double single bouts of strength training on the areas under the response curve(AUCs) for glucose, insulin, and c-peptide during the oral glucose tolerance test(OGTT). The nine college male students were volunteered for this study. The exercise protocol consisted of either 3 sets of 8 exercises with 10 maximal repetitions(Low-Volume Exercise: LVE) or 6 sets of 8 exercises with 10 maximal repetitions(High-Volume Exercise: HVE). Plasma glucose responses were not significantly different among CON, LVE, and HVE during OGTT. The reduction in the glucoseAUC was greater in the LVE and HVE than in the CON, which were not significantly different. Plasma insulin responses at 60 min and 90 min during OGTT were significantly different between CON and HVE. Reduction of insulinAUC was greater in LVE and HVE than in CON. At 60min during OGTT, c-peptide response was also greater in LVE and HVE than in CON. Reduction of c-peptideAUC was greater(P<0.05) in the LVE and HVE than in CON. Therefore, the results of this study demonstrated that the glucose improvements were more or less dependent on the volume of resistance exercises in normal college male students. Additionally, the insulin and c-peptide responses would be affected from acute resistance exercises themselves, but not affected from the resistance exercise volume.
The effects of overseas winter training program on body composition, physical fitness and golf performance in elite golfers 자연과학편 : 해외 동계훈련 프로그램에 엘리트 골프선수의 신체구성, 체력 및 경기수행력에 미치는 영향
The effects of overseas winter training program on body composition, physical fitness and golf performance in elite golfers 자연과학편 : 해외 동계훈련 프로그램에 엘리트 골프선수의 신체구성, 체력 및 경기수행력에 미치는 영향
This study was to investigate the effects of 8 weeks overseas winter training for skill improvement on the body composition, physical fitness, golf performance in middle and high school elite golfer. The subjects of this study were composed of male(n=14) elite golfers with official handicap 4.29±2.79. The body composition, physical fitness(isokinetic strength and flexibility), golf performance(driver shot distance, iron shot accuracy) were measured before and after 8 weeks of training. The body weight, free fat mass, BMI, the fat mass, skeletal muscle mass were significantly decreased after 8 weeks(p<.01). The peak torque(60°/sec) was significantly decreased in the internal rotation on the left shoulder(p<.01), in the extension(p<.05) and flexion(p<.01) on the right limb. The average power(60°/sec) was significantly decreased in the internal rotation on the left shoulder(p<.01), in the extension on the trunk(p<.05). And there was significant correlation with between the change of driver shot distance and the change of weight(r=.55), BMI(r=.59), body fat mass(r=.68), the peak torque(r=.66) and average power(r=.54) of the flexion on the trunk, the peak torque(r=.64) and average power(r=.70) of the flexion on the right limb. In conclusion, the results suggest that the absence of conditioning program of winter training reduced the body weight, muscle strength and consequently decreased golf performance.
Key Words
golf, overseas training weight Loss, overtraining
Effects of half-immersion in hot water or cold water on physiological variable and blood fatigue variable after submaximal exercise 자연과학편 : 최대하운동 후 고온 및 저온 반신침수 적용이 생리적 변인 및 혈중 피로변인에 미치는 영향
김상수SangSuKim , 이원재WonJaeLee , 주성범SungBumJu
46(5) 523-531, 2007
Effects of half-immersion in hot water or cold water on physiological variable and blood fatigue variable after submaximal exercise 자연과학편 : 최대하운동 후 고온 및 저온 반신침수 적용이 생리적 변인 및 혈중 피로변인에 미치는 영향
김상수SangSuKim , 이원재WonJaeLee , 주성범SungBumJu
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of hot water half-immersion or cold water half-immersion on physiological variable and blood fatigue variable after submaximal exercise. Subjects were performed rowing exercise of 80%VO2max and then were treated half-immersion hot water or cold water half-immersion for 15 min and the effects on heart rate, eardrum temperature, blood lactic acid, plasma amonia, serum CPK and serum LDH have been evaluated. Cold water half-immersion effectively appeared to recovery heart rate and eardrum temperature. And hot water half-immersion effectively appeared to recovery blood lactic acid, plasma amonia, serum CPK. These results could suggest optimal recovery trial in submaximal exercise, as applying of hot water half-immersion showed the effective recovery program as the change of blood lactic acid, plasma amonia, serum CPK.
Key Words
hot water half-immersion, cold water half-immersion, physiological variable, blood fatigue variable
A method to estimate angular velocity vector of a joint using Least squares 자연과학편 : 최소제곱법을 이용한 관절의 각속도 추정
46(5) 533-541, 2007
A method to estimate angular velocity vector of a joint using Least squares 자연과학편 : 최소제곱법을 이용한 관절의 각속도 추정
A conventional method for the calculation of angular velocity uses Eulerian angles and their angular rates. These rates then are transformed into global or local coordinate system since they are not orthogonal each other. In order to handle the method one must estimate transformation matrix and transform angular rates into orthogonal coordinate system continuously. This might take much computational time and be a complex process. This study, therefore, propose a new method of least squares approach by kinematical equation of relative velocity without estimating transformation matrix. For the purpose, three-dimensional coordinates of artificial markers of two adjacent segments are generated with some noise. The results show that the new method is superior to conventional method under all range of rotational motion and singular situation. This algorithm is stable and has fast calculation time numerically. Furthermore in biomechanical analysis, since almost all three-dimensional coordinates are acquired with respect to global coordinate system, the method proposed by this study is more simple in such a case.
Key Words
angular velocity, estimation, Least squares method, SVD
The kinematical comparative analysis of flick shooting in hockey 자연과학편 : 하키의 Flick Shooting에 관한 운동학적 비교 분석
46(5) 543-552, 2007
The kinematical comparative analysis of flick shooting in hockey 자연과학편 : 하키의 Flick Shooting에 관한 운동학적 비교 분석
The purpose of this study analyses posture of shooters for hockey elite players to enhance probability of flick shooting in penalty corner on the condition of experimental situation and real game situation. By analysing data through three dimension image analysis methods, I drew the following conclusion. First, it is important factor to do released movements under the circumstance of maximum speed of head stick in order to enhance probability of flick shooting. The order of swing is leg, waist, body, shoulder, arm, wrist, stick and ball. This swing action is completed with appropriate weight shifting and balance. Second, in dragging flick shooting, players make swings to use the law of inertia, that is, the ball is accelerated to the direction of stick grip and then the ball is shifted to the direction of stick head.
The cluster analysis using Self-Organized Map in sport science 자연과학편 : 자기구성지도(Self-Organized Map)를 활용한 군집분석
최형준HyongJunChoi , 김주학JooHakKim , 고병구ByoungGuGo
46(5) 553-564, 2007
The cluster analysis using Self-Organized Map in sport science 자연과학편 : 자기구성지도(Self-Organized Map)를 활용한 군집분석
최형준HyongJunChoi , 김주학JooHakKim , 고병구ByoungGuGo
Within this study, the self-organised map (SOM) which has clustering algorithms and enabling to visualize the data process has introduced with the clustering of sports events based on morphological similarity. The Matlab by Mathworks Ltd. and SOM toolbox have used to design and determine the SOM in this study that the results have compared with the study by Go(2003). Overall, the number of clusters by the SOM has found as 7, but it has been detected to 5 for the comparison. Secondly, the unfamiliar results with Go's(2003) have found that the Biathlon, High jump, Skating, Triathlon, Weight lifting and Wresting have categorized into different clusters when the clustering conditions has been equalized. Thirdly, the Triathlon has not been in the same cluster group even other sports have contained in the same cluster groups when the alternative condition to cluster the data. Consequently, the potential application of Self-Organized Map technique has suggested through this study.
Key Words
Self-Organized Map in sports, Kohonen Map, clustering in sports
Overview of physical fitness testing among nations 자연과학편 : 국민체력평가 사업의 국가별 현황
The purpose of this project was to examine the national physical fitness testing and to compare the contents of the physical fitness testing among different countries, including US, Japan, China, Australia, and Korea. We organized the group of experts who were actively engaged in the field over 10 years. The experts then set the blueprint for comparing the national physical fitness testing and collected relevant data based on the following categories: Testing center and its project goal, administration, history, evaluation standard, and application and generalization of the physical fitness testing. The physical fitness testing in East Asia countries was administered by government at set time periods (e.g., one or three year cycles), while in US and Australia, the testing is administered occasionally in several different ways, for instance, public and private school testing, personal tracking, military service. The future focus of physical fitness testing will be on the measurement and evaluation of physical activity in which one engages, not be concerned with their physical fitness level that one has achieved. With so much to gain from the participation in physical activity and fitness testing, efforts to be made to test other populations at all ages, including senior adults.
Key Words
physical fitness test, US physical fitness, Japan physical fitness, China physical fitness, Australia physical fitness
Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis and Latent mean analysis of task and ego orientation sport questionnaire 자연과학편 : 스포츠목표성향척도(TEOSQ)의 다집단(Multi-Group) 확인적 요인분석과 잠재평균분석(Latent Mean Analysis)
46(5) 581-594, 2007
Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis and Latent mean analysis of task and ego orientation sport questionnaire 자연과학편 : 스포츠목표성향척도(TEOSQ)의 다집단(Multi-Group) 확인적 요인분석과 잠재평균분석(Latent Mean Analysis)
The purpose of this study were First, it was to introduce a methodology of multi-group confirmatory factor analysis and latent mean analysis for sport science researchers to help research related to confirmatory factor analysis. Second, whether TEOSQ construct change of factor pattern with sex or not; testing configural, metric, scalar invariance. Third, it was to find latent mean difference between male and female using latent mean analysis. 703 high-school and undergraduate athlete (male 427, female 276) were participated. The data from this study were analyzed using SPSS 15.0 and AMOS 7.0 for multi-group confirmatory factor analysis, latent mean analysis, and chi-square test. The results of this study were as following; first, the configural, metric, partial scalar invariance, and variance invariance were satisfied for multi-group confirmatory factor analysis. Second, according to the latent mean analysis, task factor latent mean was -.406 and ego factor latent mean was -.364. Third, when it comes to effect size was medium effect which task factor was .48 and ego factor was .37.
Development and effect of the customized health gymnastics program for the frail old 자연과학편 : 허약노인을 위한 맞춤식 건강체조 프로그램 개발 및 효과
한윤수YoonSooHan , 최정현CungHyunChoi , 이필영PilYoungLee
46(5) 595-606, 2007
Development and effect of the customized health gymnastics program for the frail old 자연과학편 : 허약노인을 위한 맞춤식 건강체조 프로그램 개발 및 효과
한윤수YoonSooHan , 최정현CungHyunChoi , 이필영PilYoungLee
The purpose of this study was to improve the physical strength through the application and development of the customized health gymnastics program for the frail old. The subjects of this study were consisted of 16 frail women who were over 70 year old and dwelled in the suburban area(Exercise group=8, Non-exercise=8). The health gymnastics program was executed 50 minute a day, 3 times a week for 8 weeks. The result explains that the exercise group was significantly improved in terms of the grip strength, sit to stand, timed "UP & GO", one leg with eyes opened, sit and reach, 4.6meter fast walking speed. Therefore, the customized health gymnastics program was proven that it was helpful for the frail old in terms of physical strength.
Key Words
frail old, physical strength, customized health gymnastics program
The effects of administration of carnitine and (-)-hydroxycitric acid on energy substrates utilization and exhaustion time during endurance exercise 자연과학편 : Carnitine과 (-)-hydroxycitric acid 투여가 지구성 운동 중 에너지 기질 이용 및 운동지속시간에 미치는 영향
46(5) 607-616, 2007
The effects of administration of carnitine and (-)-hydroxycitric acid on energy substrates utilization and exhaustion time during endurance exercise 자연과학편 : Carnitine과 (-)-hydroxycitric acid 투여가 지구성 운동 중 에너지 기질 이용 및 운동지속시간에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to make clear the effects of single and complex administration of carnitine and HCA on endurance exercise. The comprehensive result of this study represented that both cases in HCA only test and in carnitine and HCA complex test, respiratory quotients decreased and free fatty acids increased, and consequently the index of fat oxidation got better and the lactate concentration decreased significantly. Exhaustion time increased more effectively in all cases than in water only case. Especially in complex case exhaustion time recorded 86.25 minutes which confirmed more significant synergy effect than water only case by 16.12 minutes, than carnitine only case by 7.12 minutes, than HCA only case by 6.62 minutes.
Effects of salbutamol ingestion prior to exercise on anaerobic maximal power output during Wingate test 자연과학편 : 운동 전 살부타몰 흡입이 윙게이트 테스트시 무산소성 파워에 미치는 영향
한승호SungHoHan , 류승필SungPilRyu
46(5) 617-624, 2007
Effects of salbutamol ingestion prior to exercise on anaerobic maximal power output during Wingate test 자연과학편 : 운동 전 살부타몰 흡입이 윙게이트 테스트시 무산소성 파워에 미치는 영향
한승호SungHoHan , 류승필SungPilRyu
The present study examined whether acute salbutamol inhalation modifies performance and selected metabolic variables and power output during Wingate test. A total of 7 male volunteers performed a 30 s Wingate test with and without SAL(200 μg) inhalation for 1 wk separation. Spirometry was used for forced vital capacity(FVC) and forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1). Blood samples were collected both at rest and at the end of the test. FVC and FEV1 were significantly increased by SAL inhalation(p<.05). Peak power appeared significantly earlier and was increased(p<.05) by SAL. Moreover, minimum power and peak power reaching time also have the significance(p<.05). There was no difference in fatigue indices and total work with SAL inhalation. Blood glucose, lactate, epinephrine and norepinephrine were significantly increased by salbutamol inhalation after the Wingate test(p<.05). These results suggested that salbutamol inhalation before exercise enhances lung capacity that leads exercise performance like maximal anaerobic power better.
Effects of exercise and hesperetin supplementation on plasma Lipid profile in rats fed a high-cholesterol diet 자연과학편 : 운동과 Hesperetin이 고콜레스테롤식이를 섭취한 흰쥐의 혈중 지질성분에 미치는 영향
Effects of exercise and hesperetin supplementation on plasma Lipid profile in rats fed a high-cholesterol diet 자연과학편 : 운동과 Hesperetin이 고콜레스테롤식이를 섭취한 흰쥐의 혈중 지질성분에 미치는 영향
Hesperetin, a kind of citrus flavonoids, have been identified that exerts plasma lipid lowering effect in rodents. We examined the combined effects of treadmill exercise and the 0.02% hesperetin supplementation for 6 weeks on plasma lipid profile in SD rats which fed a high cholesterol diet. Incremental treadmill running was performed at 27 m·min-1, a half hour·day-1, and five days·week-1 as a final intensity. Plasma total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol, and atherogenic index level lowered with hesperetin treatment and plasma triacylglycerol lowered with exercise treatment(p<.05). There is no interaction between the hesperetin and the exercise treatment. This results suggested that the combined treatment of treadmill exercise and hesperetin supplementation might give a beneficial effects on plasma lipid profile complementarily.
Key Words
exercise, hesperetin, flavonoid, cholesterol
Effects of vibration exercise on the physical fitness and the hormone of adults with mental retardation 자연과학편 : 진동운동이 정신지체인의 체력 및 호르몬에 미치는 영향
46(5) 633-641, 2007
Effects of vibration exercise on the physical fitness and the hormone of adults with mental retardation 자연과학편 : 진동운동이 정신지체인의 체력 및 호르몬에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to figure out the effects of participation in a vibration exercise program for 12 weeks on the physical fitness and the hormone of adults with mentally retarded who live in B city. In the study of vibration exercise program was used where the intensity level gradually increases at 30-50Hz at 12minute a day, 3 times a week for 12 weeks. The physical fitness and the hormone(norepinephrine, epinephrine, cortisol, growth) profiles of subjects(exercise group N=7,control group N=7) were measured and blood sampling pre and post vibration exercise for 12 weeks, respectively. Two-way ANOVA was used to analyze the statistical significance. The results were as follows;First, back strength, reaction time, trunk flexion forward and eyes closed one leg stand balance were significant difference in duration× group interaction effect. Back strength and reaction time were significant difference between the exercise group and the control group in a vibration exercise program for 12 weeks. Second, norepinephrine, epinephrine and cortisol hormones were no significant difference in a vibration exercise program for 12 weeks. but growth hormone was significant difference in duration×group interaction effect, between durations and between groups respectively. The findings imply that the vibration exercise of mentally retarded adult had significant effects on the physical fitness.
The effects of regular exercise and DL-α-Lipoic acid supplementation on Bax, Bcl-2 mRNA expression and apoptosis in induced aging rat heart 자연과학편 : 규칙적인 운동과 DL-α-Lipoic acid 투여가 노화 유도 쥐 심장의 Bax, Bcl-2 mRNA와 apoptosis에 미치는 효과
46(5) 643-654, 2007
The effects of regular exercise and DL-α-Lipoic acid supplementation on Bax, Bcl-2 mRNA expression and apoptosis in induced aging rat heart 자연과학편 : 규칙적인 운동과 DL-α-Lipoic acid 투여가 노화 유도 쥐 심장의 Bax, Bcl-2 mRNA와 apoptosis에 미치는 효과
The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of regular aerobic exercise and α-lipoic acid supplementation on apoptosis restriction in induced aging. For the study, 40 white rats of SD species were divided into CON and induced aging group (A-CON, A-EX, A-ALA, A-EA group; n=8 per group). D-gal(50mg/kg/day) was injected for induced aging group for continuing aging during experiment period and group treatment was performed for 8 weeks. After the period, their heart organizations were gathered, apoptosis was analyzed through lipid peroxidation, antioxidant system, Bax, Bcl-2 mRNA and TUNEL assay. The result showed that in aging, apoptosis was facilitated when MDA was facilitated and antioxidant system was weakened. However, it was found that performing regular exercise, lipoic acid supplementation and exercise combined lipoic acid supplementation protected heart organization from oxidative damage, reduced the Bax mRNA, raised the Bcl-2 mRNA so that it could suppress apoptosis. Especially, it was found that combined treatment exercise and lipoic acid meditation doubled the effect so it was most effective for restraining apoptosis increased by ROS
The characteristics of 1st and 2nd basic arm position in ballet according to physical growth 자연과학편 : 연령에 따른 발레 팔 기본 제 1자세, 제 2자세의 특성
김은희EunHeeKim , 박경혜GyungHeaPark , 신혜숙HeaSookShin
46(5) 655-662, 2007
The characteristics of 1st and 2nd basic arm position in ballet according to physical growth 자연과학편 : 연령에 따른 발레 팔 기본 제 1자세, 제 2자세의 특성
김은희EunHeeKim , 박경혜GyungHeaPark , 신혜숙HeaSookShin
The purpose of this study was to research the characteristics of lst and 2nd basic arm position in ballet according to physical growth. The subjects were elementary school children, middle school students, high school students and pro-ballerina. The authors take 3-D image analysis and use descriptive statistics for data of this study. The results were as followed: 1) In 1st basic arm position, height of the shoulders, the elbow, the wrist and fingers in both right and left side was respectively 80%, 63%, 51%, and 47% of height. 2) In 1st basic arm position, angle of the whole arm in right side was 83o and in left side was 80o. 3) In 1st basic arm position, slope's angle of the whole arm in right side was 73o and in left side was 71o. 4) In 2nd basic arm position, height of the shoulders, the elbow, the wrist and fingers in both right and left side was respectively 80%, 70%, 66%, and 64% of height. 5) In 2nd basic arm position, angle of the whole arm in right side was 79o and in left side was 75o. 6) In 2nd basic arm position, slope's angle of the whole arm in both right and left side were 30o. Conclusion according to physical growth, the characteristics of lst and 2nd basic arm position in ballet hadn't significance difference. And when Standardize the shoulders, the arms is kept lower position in 1st and 2nd basic arm position.
Key Words
adolescent dance major females, body awareness, body satisfactions, eating behaviors
A cross-sectional study on self-reported hamstring injuries of student ballet dancers 자연과학편 : 발레 전공학생들의 자가인지 햄스트링 상해에 관한 단면조사연구
정선해SunHaeJung , 김향선HyangSunKim , 안의수EueSooAnn
46(5) 663-674, 2007
A cross-sectional study on self-reported hamstring injuries of student ballet dancers 자연과학편 : 발레 전공학생들의 자가인지 햄스트링 상해에 관한 단면조사연구
정선해SunHaeJung , 김향선HyangSunKim , 안의수EueSooAnn
The purposes of the current study were 1) to determine the prevalence of self-reported hamstring injuries and 2) to find the associated factors with the hamstring injuries in the ballet student-dancers. The participants of the study were 312 ballet student-dancers who were recruited from the art high and middle schools located in Seoul and Kyongido. A questionnaire was used to assess the prevalence of the hamstring injuries, which was conducted with face to face interviews by one trained personnel. With respect to injury types, there were difference factors associated with injury occurrence. In addition, the current findings suggested a lack of proper first aid and medical test and treatment available to the ballet dancers following hamstring injuries. Of particular, it was interesting to find that stretching activities and muscle fatigue were two major contributing factors to the development of the hamstring injuries in the amateur ballet dancers. The results indicate that stretching activities be carried out with more caution, particularly as part of the ‘warm-up’ before and stretching after the classes.
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the skinfold method(SFT) could accurately predict %body fat in rugby players. Twenty-eight rugby players from K university located in Gyung gi. were recruited for this study. All subjects underwent bioelectrical impedance analysis(BIA), dual energy X-ray absorptiometry(DEXA), SFT, and Underwater weighing method three times and then a gold standard used to predict %body fat in humans (Underwater weighing method) was compared to other methods. BIA, DEXA, and SFT methods were highly correlated with Underwater weighing method. However, DEXA method showed the highest regression to predict %body fat following BIA and SFT, respectively. The values obtained by DEXA were similar to that of Underwater weighting methods. Of seven parts of body measured by the SFT method, an abdominal part showed the most correlation with Underwater Weighing method(r=0.931). Moreover, a regression equation created by two abdominal and triceps parts was Y=4.057+0.307 (X1)+0.327 (X2). R2=0.883 obtained by this equation showed highest regression from the most simple range. We conclude that to provide more possible and positive regression equation for rugby players, further studies are needed to include more subjects, body density, and regional body fat.
Effects of combined exercise training on metabolic syndrome related factors in overweight and obese elementary school boys 자연과학편 : 복합운동이 남자 과체중 및 비만아동의 대사증후군 위험인자에 미치는 효과
김종원JongWonKim , 김현준HyunJunKim
46(5) 683-693, 2007
Effects of combined exercise training on metabolic syndrome related factors in overweight and obese elementary school boys 자연과학편 : 복합운동이 남자 과체중 및 비만아동의 대사증후군 위험인자에 미치는 효과
김종원JongWonKim , 김현준HyunJunKim
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of combined exercise program on metabolic syndrome related factors and association between anthropometry variables, body composition and metabolic syndrome makers in overweight and obese children. Eighteen participants were randomly allocated to experimental group (EG, n=9) and control group (CG, n=9). The exercise group performed that the walking exercise was 2 times a week and the band resistance exercise was 2 times a week. We measured anthropometry variables, body composition and metabolic syndrome makers before and after 12 weeks of combined exercise program. The comparison of means changes before and after intervention programs between group, %LBM was significantly increased and weight, BMI, fat mass, %fat were significantly decreased after combined exercise. The change of waist line was significantly correlated with the change of weight, BMI, fat mass, %fat, LBM, %LBM, BMC. and the change of %LBM was significantly correlated with change of waist line, TG, HOMA-IR. In conclusion, combined exercise program can be useful intervention the improvement on metabolic syndrome markers in obese children.
Key Words
metabolic syndrome, insulin, obese children, combined exercise program
The status of physical fitness on daily Living and quality of Life of elderly female Living in the rural community 자연과학편 : 농촌 여성 노인의 활동체력과 삶의 질 분석
The purposes of this study were determined status of physical fitness on daily living of elderly female in the living rural community. The first study was designed to analysis of changes of physical fitness of daily living and quality of life by according to the aging in the 258 women, age from 60 to 79, twelve items of physical fitness on daily living and six category of a quality of life were measured. The data obtained from the tests were analyzed utilizing one-way ANOVA. The result of the present study was follows: The values of one leg standing with eyes closed, reaction time, 2 min walking ware non significantly difference with aging(p<0.05). The ideally goal of the physical fitness on daily living was 75 percentiles. Subcategory of quality of life were significantly difference only health condition, self-consciousness. This suggests that elderly women living in rural community need exercise programs emphasizing different fitness aspects in order to improve physical fitness of daily living, and Quality of Life.